Consumer Service Centre
Complaints Escalation Process
At First Capital
Bank, fast and efficient service is our core objective. Should you
have any complaint about our service, products or anything in
particular, kindly lodge your complaint following the procedure
First Stage
• Lodge your complaint with the
Service Center Manager at the nearest Service Centre or through a
telephone number 3907801.
• Your
complaint will be registered on the complaint register.
• The
Service Center Manager / Contact Centre Agent will engage with you
to resolve the complaint.
Second Stage:
• If you are not satisfied with the
outcome of the complaint, you can escalate the complaint to the Head
of Sales.
• The Head of Sales will manage the complaint and
provide regular updates on the progress of the complaint within
• The Outcome of your complaint will be communicated to
you through your preferred method of communication.
Third Stage:
• If there is still dissatisfaction
after the resolution, you can escalate the complaint to the Consumer
Lending Country Manager.
Fourth Stage:
• If you are still dissatisfied with
the outcome, you can escalate the complaint to the CEO.
Fifth Stage:
• If you still not satisfied with
feedback from the bank, you can escalate the complaint to the
Botswana Banking Ombudsman/Regulator.
• You must contact the
relevant ombudsman as soon as possible to find out what their
requirements and time-frames are to lodge your complaint.
• For
your convenience, the details of the Ombudsmen and First Capital
Bank are given below:
Ombudsman |
First Capital Bank |
Email: |
Tel: +267 393 5409 |
Tel: 390 7801 | 0800600145 |
Fax: +267 393 5406 |
Cell: +267 71 326 282 |
Sixth Stage:
If you are unsatisfied with the way your complaint was handled by the Botswana Banking
Ombudsman, kindly escalate in writing to Bank of Botswana.