Happy Chinese New Year! 🧧🎉
As we celebrate the Year of the Snake, the First Capital Bank team fondly recalls…
Learn MoreThree cheers for Capital Bank! The 4th annual Capital Bank Cycle Challenge, held on 29th April 2018, was a success!
We had a great turn-out this year, with almost double the amount of entries as compared to our last Cycle Challenge. The Capital Bank flag was raised high during the Cycle Challenge, with 20 staff members taking part in the 30km corporate challenge, and one of our teams bringing home the trophy!
As Capital Bank, we want to be more than just a banking company that caters to the financial well-being of our customers. We make it a point to invest in being an all rounded bank that not only caters to the financial well-being of this Nation, but also the physical and mental well-being of the people of this nation. Sport therefore remains a key platform for doing exactly that.
Last but not least, Capital Bank is grateful to the Jonmol Cycling Club for spearheading this challenge. The Cycle Challenge had the very best organization and capacity for the platform, which ensured its success.